August (Summer) 2020: Life in Photos, The Dog Days
We’re eight months into 2020. It feels like not much time has gone by, yet so much has…and really we’re all just waiting for ANY light at the end of the tunnel.
I just want to empty my brain out about the state of humanity for a minute. It makes me really sad to see how divided our society in America is. The tribalistic two-party system is tearing us apart. There is so much hate and anger and people acting terribly toward one another. I know that I haven’t been perfect, especially when I find myself in a dark place and hot emotions of fear, anger, loss, and pain. Plans have been canceled, my job is in limbo, Wisconsin has been holding my UI benefits going on 12 weeks, plans are indefinitely on hold, we just want to get a house in the country FINALLY, and we want this pandemic to go away, there are racial injustices, riots and violence…..2020 is one of the greatest mental health struggles I’ve ever encountered personally, and I know that I am not alone.
I worry so much about the division, the anger, the hatred, and the well-being of so many humans in this world, especially America. Everything feels so broken right now, and I feel like we’re all clawing our way through this dark tunnel clawing at any shred of hope towards brief glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel that seems impossibly far away. It’s hard to find any scrap of hope. But hope HAS to exist, right?
When I’ve been more optimistic, I like to say 2020 is a chrysalis—a time of change. Though most of the time I am cynical and refer to it as a dumpster fire.
I may sound like an annoying “hearts, flowers, and rainbows” optimist, but hope begins with us. It begins by realizing a space beyond fear and anger—a place outside ourselves. This hate and division began with us, and it ends with us. We all need to spend more time talking to people who are different than us. Everyone has a story, and when we do talk things out—we find out we have more in common than we’ve ever thought. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty progressively liberal—I don’t like to identify with any political party, but that is where my personal views are aligned. I can only speak for myself but I’ve personally worked on solutions to problems with conservatives and we get things done. It is absolutely possible.
I guess I don’t know what I’m getting at here….I don’t think this blog has very many readers based on my site metrics….but the hate and division and blaming all around the political spectrum has got to stop. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk….
Anyways, what have I been up to? Monarch season is winding down and I unfortunately do not have as many migrating generation lives in my care as I would like due to the deteriorating condition of my local milkweed supply, but I am happy to raise as many as I can. I have been extremely lucky to take on several freelance projects and several people have made purchases from my TeePublic shop. Thanks to all who have shown support to those ways and more.
Know what’s not canceled? Fall and pumpkin spice lattes. There’s something to look forward to.