Brodie (Class of 2018) - Madison, Wisconsin Senior Portrait Photography
I had just gotten used to the idea of my cousin Calvin being in college, but this fall I was asked to photograph his younger brother Brodie’s senior pictures. It’s become a bit of a cliche statement now that I’m in my 30’s, but where has the time gone?
Brodie came to Madison with his good friend Josh, and he clearly was the entertainment that evening. Brodie is a very creative soul who also has a talent for improv and comedy sports--this is evident in the images below. He supposedly also has a reputation for being fashionable, and he did bring along a few different sets of glasses to match his wardrobe changes.
Whatever the future holds for Brodie, I’m positive that it will be good to him. Brodie is sharp, smart, talented, and witty--that is for sure to take him far. You can always count on him for a good laugh, and there were many had that day.